HIDE THE CHOCOLATE! (Here comes the “Food Police”)

Ever encountered the “Food Police” before?You know, those annoying people that comment on your food … “you probably don’t need that … ” — makes you want to “accidentally” punch them in the face …But, maybe on the flip side … you’ve actually looked for some form of “food police”.Maybe you’ve recruited your friends and family to keep you accountable.  Or hired a trainer, in hopes that they would slap the chocolate out of your hands and scream at you “GIMME 15 BURPEES!!”In your head … it might seem like a great plan, but in real life? Not so much.  (Just…


You can eat ANYTHING you want and lose weight

Here’s some things I used to struggle with around food: 1. All-You-Can-Eat buffets: “Gotta get my money’s worth!” 2. Eating day old birthday cake at work: “Would hate to see it go to waste!” 3. SUPER-SIZE for only $1.49 more: “It’s such a better deal!” 4. There’s food left on your plate: “There are starving kids in Africa!” 5. Monday morning cookies will be off-limits: “Better just polish everything off today!” These are examples of thought patterns that were ingrained in how I interacted with food on a daily basis. Have you ever had thoughts like these? We eat more food than we really want…


How can I get “Unstuck”?

“I know what to do, I just can’t seem to do it” Yep. If lack of knowledge was the problem, everyone with a smartphone and an internet connection would have abs, a mansion and a crazy happy life. We know what we should do. DOING is the hard part We’ve all made bold resolutions in a surge of motivation. But then, we don’t keep them. Why not? Is it because we suck? Nope. I talk to so many people who feel disappointed in themselves. Why? Because they KNOW they’re capable of doing more and doing better. So what’s holding them…


I’m sorry I’m not Perfect …

At some point, we’ve all wished for a flawless body … smooth, toned skin, defined muscles, washboard abs. In the 80’s it was Jane Fonda’s buns of steel (“Intense Target Toning!”) More recently, think Scarlett Johansson or Chris Hemsworth in the Avengers … Whoever it is, we’ve developed an idea of what a perfect body would look like, and modern media has certainly played a role in influencing that. But, underneath that, we’ve also developed an idea of what this perfect body must FEEL like too. We imagine that with the perfect body, we’d BOUND out of bed, bright and…


Cookies? Cartoons? Comfy Chair? Now THAT’s Love!

Popular self-help advice goes something like: “Look at yourself in the mirror and say ‘I Love You’ …” multiple times a day. While that sounds good in theory, there’s a huge flaw here. Let me paint you a picture. And, when you get to the end of this, you just might have a “holy crap” moment. Let’s say a parent has a child. Every morning, they sit this child in the most comfortable chair and turn on cartoons. Beside this chair is a side table and on this table, they put a large bowl of chocolate chip cookies. Every morning,…


You’re One Decision Away from a Different Life

“You’re one decision away from a better life”I love that sentiment. But here’s what I think people hear:“One day, you’re going to ‘win the lottery’ and never worry again”A better life requires more than 1 lucky choice. It requires a series of consistently better choices, made one at a time.You only need to get your next choice right to start a winning streak.But you need to be prepared to make the better choice more often than not, if you want a better future.For example, I love it when people make the choice to work with me in my program Lifestyle-180.…