I want more moments like this

I want more moments like this 😍 THIS is why I want to be healthy.  This is not about a number on the scale, this is about quality of life. My weight will be something I always need to pay attention to.  Hitting a certain number on the scale didn’t mean I got a free pass for the rest of my life. My body didn’t just forget that I used to be obese … Sometimes it feels like it’s bound and determined to drag me back there. And if I didn’t have powerful reasons, like the beautiful woman in my life…


Nutrition Coach Caught Eating Ice Cream! (The Horror!)

(It wasn’t from the container, I’m not a savage 😂) But, is it possible to eat Rolo Chocolate Ice Cream and lose or maintain weight? Yep. Does this mean I eat an entire container in one sitting? Not anymore. Too many people take an “all-or-nothing” approach to nutrition and weight loss. It’s not an either/or scenario. Yes, you can have your cake and eat it too. But, if you want to be able to eat ice cream and lose weight (& keep it off), you might want to employ a few metabolism-boosting tricks. What are these tricks I speak of?…


What do these two things (unexpectedly) have in common?

​​What do diets and romantic comedies have in common?They sell us on the “happily ever after”All we have to do is play a love song on our guitar in the pouring rain, and we’ll win the heart of our lover, and live happily ever after. Job done.Except, there is no “happily ever after”. I’m 13 years into the most loving and beautiful marriage, and there’s still no happily ever after.There’s not a day coming where I stop doing the little things.The 20-second hugs. The “I love you’s”. The little acts of kindness. The random kisses on the forehead.What would happen…


If gluten doesn’t kill you, bacon will!

Almost every nutrition “documentary” does more harm than good. Trying to scare the 💩 out of you, and basically ruining any enjoyment you used to have around eating. By the time you’re done binge-watching Netflix nutrition documentaries, your hands are shaking as you slowly lift a lettuce leaf to your mouth wondering “Is this going to kill me too?” Do we have some problems around our health and nutrition? Oh heck yeah! Are we going to solve it with fear-mongering, pseudo-science peddling nutrition documentaries that leave you emotionally triggered? Nope. I mean, you could. You could try choking down 4 kale smoothies…